Miss Georgianna Osbourne Women’s Charity Foundation.

Blessings and greetings to all. I am Prophet Ashantti. In the loving memory of my Grandmother Miss Georgianna Osbourne. Keeping her dream of women’s equality and independence alive. I am creating the Georgianna Osbourne Women’s Charity Foundation. My grandmother was a hard worker. She worked all he life and was very kind. Her dream was to help women and children and families. in low income communities in the memory of my grandmother Miss She was born in Nanny Maroon Town. Other wise called Moore Town in the Rio Grande valley in the parish of Portland. A community in the Blue mountains region of Jamaica. She was involved in community women’s improvement programs and helping women and families in her community. She would assist in cooking and home economics programs in her community. Her dream was to see young mothers and women in general take care of their families. She would give away up to the last of what she had to help others. Now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity. Please see our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092241661662 Blessed.